Links For Crime Readers & Writers
These are links you may find useful. If you'd like to suggest any others,
I'll do my best to include them.
Murder By The Book.
Is this the best Crime and Thriller genre bookshop in the world? You decide.
Top Blogs
Dovegreyreader – a Devonshire
based bookaholic,sock-knitting quilter who happens to be a community nurse in her spare time. Your Alternative Number One
Reviewer. What she hasn’t read may not be worth reading. Links to all the best Book Blogs.
Susan Hill
Book Bar
Web Site Links for Debut Novelists, and Aspiring Novelists: Just Click on the text.
" The Arts Council fund critiques for new writers from leading publishers each month on YouWriteOn also offers
its own book publishing initiative. Harper Collins online slush pile. If enough fellow writers back your book the editors will read it. In the menatime
you will get lots of useful feedback.